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Our Mission

Having started in 1991 with no knowledge of markets, we know the great difficulties traders experience - just surviving, let alone making a business of trading. A trade has two sides - a winner and loser. You are competing with professionals, hedge funds, banks, etc. Do you have better tools? The chances are you do not compete on a level playing field. We know from statistics this is true. Brokers now advertise the percentage of their accounts that lose money. That figure is rarely below 70%.

Complete trading roadmaps

Because our moneymakingcharts are packed full of indicators creating a complete trading roadmap, we understand the need to be guided for a short period in order to grasp the effect of different indicators impacting markets day by day. What has taken us 30 years to develop, we expect users can achieve in a matter of weeks.

Suits all trading styles

moneymakingcharts provide key support and resistance lines and market turning points. It helps intraday traders as much as it does trend followers in the 7 to 30 day time frame. It is also invaluable for options traders by identifying price zones where a market is unlikely to trade.

New traders to professionals

moneymakingcharts are beneficial for both professionals and novices, but especially so for those just starting out in markets. Whilst the moneymakingcharts in themselves create exceptional trading opportunities for users, our daily chat room offers the inexperienced trading education of unparalelled value. Traders get to talk to our professionals, people with years of experience trading futures markets and also fund management. In this way, new traders and novices can get over that hump, minimising losses while gaining the experience to succeed long term.

Daily analysis updates

A moneymakingcharts is a bulletin containing daily charts, one each trading day. The daily chart includes a commentary highlighting the effect of the various indicators, together with a long term chart covering cycles from bull market tops to bear market bottoms. Bulletins are emailed before 6am USA EST.

Focus on profitable trades

We firmly believe in the concept of trading only when the risk/reward ratio is our favour. That is why we have adopted our name - market hotspots. All markets have periods when price action will not suit the methodology a trader is using. The time to trade is paramount. We present only those markets that offer profitable opportunities. moneymakingcharts puts the odds in the trader's favour. Our market-hotspots PORTFOLIO generally contains 12-15 markets offering exceptional opportunities. Markets are added and deleted as the potential changes from market to market.

Chat room

moneymakingcharts contain an expansive library of tools and indicators. At a casual glance, they may appear confusing. However, understanding how to maximise trading profits is not difficult, even for the novice, and it does not take more than a few weeks under our expert guidance. And our daily chat room makes the task so much easier. Here, users interact with our team having the ability to discuss the market of their choice.

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